Many years of management experience in different environmental areas make us your expert consultants in all waste management issues.
James Perkins FCIWM
A holder of the Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC - Freight National), Certificate of Technical Competence (COTC) Level 4 in Waste Management Operations - Transfer & Hazardous Waste (4TSH), Continuing Competence award for hazardous treatment and transfer, a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (FCIWM) and a Chartered Waste Manager, Jim can demonstrate over 25 years of experience working in and for the waste, recycling and resource industry at a local and regional level covering operational, strategic and legislative aspects with a particular focus on the needs of Collection, Unitary and Waste Disposal Authorities.
Through his work and the delivery of work programmes to date he has been responsible for the creation of 10 waste treatment, processing and reprocessing facilities, the diversion of over 1.5 million tonnes of wastes diverted from landfill each year, the annual saving of over £15m in efficiency savings each year to the public sector and taking millions of transport movements ‘off the road’.
Jim regularly attends and presents at national waste industry conferences on a range of waste and environment industry issues.
Yvonne Perkins MCIWM
Yvonne has significant experience in providing strategic, operational and compliance focussed assistance to both Public and Private Sector organisations for their environmental and waste management requirements. Yvonne has worked with clients to implement programs and practices in order to ensure compliance with environmental regulations, develop operational facilities and create efficient and accurate recording and reporting practices.
Yvonne has worked across both the public and private sector gaining experience through the waste and resource management process from residential and commercial collection to handling and transport to treatment and disposal.
As an experienced and knowledgeable waste professional, Yvonne has a full understanding of the workings of the wider waste industry. This can be demonstrated by her hands on approach to all operational, strategic and legislative needs, drivers and pressures of the industry and the key sectors within it.
Yvonne is a Chartered Waste Manager and Member of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management.